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Eventide Digital Recorders and Accessories for Communication

Puget Sound Instrument Company (psicompany.com) has provided high quality communications equipment for over 40 years, and we're now proud to offer our customers the Eventide brand of logging recorders.

Eventide invented the digital communications recorder in 1989. With thousands of communications recorders currently in service in such diverse applications as NORAD, nuclear submarines, NASA, maximum security prisons, air traffic control, and 911 call centers throughout the world, Eventide continues its tradition of combining unmatched ease-of-use with mission-critical reliability.

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Voice Logging - Radio
Voice Logging Accessories

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Eventide NexLog840 Display
Eventide Digital Recorders and Accessories for Communication Puget Sound Instrument Company (psicompany.com) has provided high quality communications equipment for over 40 years, and we're now proud to offer our customers the Eventide brand of logging recorders. Eventide invented the digital communications recorder in 1989. With thousands of...
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Contact us today for a free consultation!

Voice Logging - Radio

Voice Logging Accessories

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