The Motorola BDN6677A Ear Mic Standard Noise Levels (Black) picks up the voice through bone vibrations in the ear canal. The hands free miniature earpiece leaves the face unobscured, allowing direct hearing and speaking.
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Intrinsically Safe with ASTRO Digital SABER ASTRO Digital XTS 3000, XTS 3500, XTS 5000, ASTRO Digital XTS2500, HT600, HT750, HT1250, HT1250 LS, HT1250 LS+, HT1550 XLS, HT1000,...
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JT1000, MT1000, MT2000, MTS2000, MTX800, MTX850, MTX8250, MTX850 LS, MTX950, MTX9250, MTX838, MTX900, MTX-LS, MX 800 SABER
Interface Module is required and must be ordered separately
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