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Otto Engineering 2 Wire Palm Mic
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Otto Engineering

Otto Engineering 2 Wire Palm Mic

The Otto 2 Wire Palm Mic Kit, Without Adapter/Connector, Comes with a Lightweight Earphone, Rubber Eartip, Radio Connector, Clothing Clip, Quick Disconnect Earphone Adapter For Easy Replacement, Low Profile Transparent Acoustic Tube,High-grade Cable for Demanding Applications, Black or Beige Color Options. Quantity Discounts Available. For Pricing Call 1-800-826-2907 Ext. 204
The Otto 2 Wire Palm Mic Kit, Without Adapter/Connector, Comes with a Lightweight Earphone, Rubber Eartip, Radio Connector, Clothing Clip, Quick Disconnect Earphone Adapter For Easy Replacement, Low Profile Transparent Acoustic Tube,High-grade Cable for Demanding Applications, Black or Beige Color Options. Quantity Discounts Available. For Pricing Call 1-800-826-2907 Ext. 204

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 27 April, 2015.

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